Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jack Skellington

One of my friends saw the Wednesday Addams doll and asked if I could make a Jack Skellington for her son. I knew I could. I'm really happy how he turned out, and now I have orders for one more and a Sally to go with him. There are several others who are "thinking about ordering one." It's nice to be making some money off my dolls, even if I do have to run a sweat shop. LOL!

I have patterned him, but I don't want to have to write out the directions on how to put him together.
Edited to add pictures of Sally.


DianneSahakian Dolls, Minidolls, Crafts said...

Skellington turned out neat looking and so different than the usual skeletons you see for halloween. Different and great! Love and Hugs Dianne

Paulette said...

He is awesome Paulette! I love hallween too!