Yeah! He's finished. I have about two weeks to make Lady Sybil now. I am glad that the dragon is done. Working with the loose weave upholstery fabric was not fun. And I wired the wings with 20 gauge wire and had to rip it out when I decided it was not the look I was going for. On an unrelated trip to Walmart I found the perfect color of pipe cleaners. Whew! Also, I had to redraft the legs pattern. The first one couldn't be turned. The second draft would have looked funny when I turned the fabric for the foot, and after cutting off the foot it looked like a lamb chop! This guy almost went without legs, until I read that the swamp dragons in Discworld don't fly well. Well, if they don't fly well, then they must have legs!
Third time's a charm. The first head was lopped off and redrafted, What I intended to be cheeks ended up being the brows. A different look than I originally intended but good anyway.
A break of canning last week is just what I needed to get things right.
Now we have a pantry full of salsa, spaghetti sauce, mango chutney and bread and butter pickles.
I can't wait to can peaches, pears and apples this summer.
Sophia (5 months) has decided to get up for 3am feedings again and doesn't like baby food. She wants to nurse. well, I have to tell you that that has to change!